Sports Residency


Residency or Fellowship

Residency: A planned program of post-professional clinical and didactic education that is designed to advance significantly the physical therapist's preparation as a provider of patient care services in a defined area of clinical practice. A sports physical therapy residency program is based on the latest Description of Specialty Practice (DSP) of Sports physical therapy.

Fellowship: A post-professional, funded, and planned learning experience in a focused area of physical therapist clinical practice, education, or research (not infrequently post-doctoral, post-residency prepared, or board-certified physical therapists).

The number of credentialed sports physical therapy residency and fellowship programs continues to grow. Do you qualify to be part of this exciting step in your education and professional growth? Find out today!

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Preparing for Excellence

A residency provides an opportunity to gain advanced competencies in sports physical therapy. This includes the development of a theoretical rationale for evaluation and treatment skills and clinical reasoning processes necessary to prevent, treat, and rehabilitate injuries in an active population. The sports physical therapy residency program will provide the resident with clinical experience under the mentorship of a recognized clinical expert.

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