Excellence in Research

To acknowledge and honor a physical therapist who has made a distinguished contribution to the specialty of sports physical therapy research.

Nominate Here


  1. The nominee must be a physical therapist who is a current AASPT member and a member in good standing of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA).
  2. The nominee must demonstrate outstanding basic, clinical, and/or educational research, sustained for at least 5 years, that has a meaningful contribution to the scientific basis of sports physical therapy.
  3. Members of the Awards Committee and Academy Executive Board shall not be eligible for the award.

Selection Criteria

  1. Published peer-reviewed scientific papers with sufficient frequency in appropriate scientific and/or professional publications. Demonstrated talents in writing, research, and community activities that promote sports physical therapy, as evidenced by letters of support and nominee's curriculum vitae.
  2. Presented scientific research oral presentations with sufficient frequency to the appropriate audiences.
  3. Record of grant funding and extramural funding.
  4. Impact of the nomineeā€™s research on the field of sports physical therapy.
  5. Demonstrate continuity of professional commitment to sports physical therapy.Ā 

Nomination Procedure

  • Any member of the American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy may nominate candidates for the award.
  • A maximum of one (1) award will be given in any year.
  • Nominations must be submitted electronically and include only the following materials:
    • Completed online nomination form;
    • Current and complete curriculum vitae of the nominee;
    • Letter of support from person nominating the member not to exceed two pages including the reasons for the nomination; and,
    • Letters from two (2) individuals who can specifically address one or more of the criteria for selection, not to exceed two (2) pages. One should be from a physical therapist colleague and one from a current or former student/resident of the nominee.
  • Please have all materials completed and collected when completing the award application. There is no way to save applications in-process so please ensure you have all materials compiled before starting the application.

Notification of the Award

  • The Awards Team Coordinator will notify the recipient of the award and obtain written confirmation of acceptance.
  • The name of the recipient will be kept confidential until announced.

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