$200.00 USD

Shoulder Course

This shoulder home study course will provide comprehensive information on multiple topics relevant to the sports physical therapist who actively engages with shoulder sports injuries. Some of the latest and most controversial sports rehabilitation topics will be discussed including but not limited to: The use of weighted balls in the training and rehabilitation of baseball players, the evaluation of scapular dysfunction in the overhead athlete, the treatment of rotator cuff repairs and the concept of on-track and off-track shoulder instability.

Overall Objectives

  1. Describe the rationale for the use of weighted ball training in baseball players.
  2. Construct an examination sequence for overhead athletes with scapular dysfunction.
  3. Evaluate the shoulder for normal or abnormal adaptations to range of motion in the adolescent pitcher.
  4. Identify those with a massive rotator cuff tear during routine shoulder physical examination.
  5. Create a conservative and post-surgical exercise program for those with glenohumeral instability.

3.3 CEUs