$189.00 USD

Medical Considerations for the Youth Athlete

.7 CEU, 7 Contact Hours

Youth Athlete Home Course Objectives

Upon completion of this home study course, the learner will be able to:

  1. List the common risk factors for injuries of youth athletes and common injuries.
  2. Establish recommendations for prevention, care and appropriate management of athletic-related injury, illnesses and concussions identifying the signs and symptoms of a concussion and implement a Return to Play protocol.
  3. Discuss the signs and symptoms of burnout in the youth athlete and implement healthy coaching strategies for the injured youth athlete.
  4. Discuss the physiological and anatomical differences in children that should be considered to prevent dehydration and diminish sport performance and explain the metabolic differences effecting energy requirements of youth athlete.
  5. Develop a safe and effective program design for performance enhancement of the adolescent athlete, including the two most important training variables and the relationship existing between them.
  6. Describe the key considerations in the prevention of injuries in youth athletes and utilize the Modified Blazina Scale for recommendations for return to play.